Mayor Nenshi is Toronto bound for the Grey Cup

Mayor Naheed Nenshi is packing his bags to head to Toronto to take in the 100th Grey Cup festivities on Sunday.

Ahead of the game, 660News asked the mayor if he had any advice for the team.

“I could give them some technical advice on how to run the game. Toronto has a great running game you gotta be very careful but how about I just say this; we are very proud of you but remember, 2012 has been the year of Calgary in so many ways and we have to cap it with that Grey Cup,” Nenshi said.


Nenshi has also made a bet with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

The losing team’s mayor will have to donate their weight in food to the winner’s food bank and wear the winning team’s jersey during a council meeting.

Nenshi adds should the Stampeders win, there will be something fun on Tuesday to look forward to.