Biographical information on Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt

On Tuesday, “The New Digital Age” by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and former State Department advisor Jared Cohen goes on sale. Here are some biographical details on Schmidt.

NAME: Eric Schmidt

AGE: 57 (Born April 27, 1955)


EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, master’s degree and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Executive chairman of Google’s board. CEO from 2001 to 2011. Before Google, he was CEO of Novell and, prior to that, chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems Inc.

ROLE AT GOOGLE: As executive chairman, Schmidt serves as adviser and handles broader tasks such as business deals and relationships and government outreach, as Google faces growing regulatory scrutiny in the U.S. and Europe.

ROLE AS AUTHOR: Co-author of “The New Digital Age,” a technology treatise exploring the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead as the lines blur between the physical world around us and the virtual realm of the Internet.

NET WORTH: $8.2 billion, according to Forbes magazine.