Ottawa is being pressured to address the country’s housing crunch

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has launched a campaign, calling on the Harper Tories and all political parties to work with provincial , territorial and municipal leaders, as well as the private sector , to develop a credible long-term housing plan.

Monday in Ottawa, FCM leaders put forth the campaign , entitled ” Fixing Canada’s Housing Crunch “.

Ahead of the 2014 federal budget, municipalities across the country will pass resolutions calling on Ottawa to take action.


The Chair of the Big City Mayors Caucus, Vancouver’s Gregor Robertson says home ownership shouldn’t be only a dream for the rich.

Robertson says rising housing costs have pushed the personal debt level of Canadians to record levels and are putting Canada’s national economy at risk with Canadians carrying more than $1.1Trillion worth of mortgage debt.

The FCM says compounding the problem is the fact the federal goverment plans to scale back it’s affordable housing investment, not increase it.