Should you get a head start on planting?

It may feel a bit more like springtime now, but you might want to hold off on lawn care.

Lisa Silva from Blue Grass Nursery says, trees and grass should start greening up before you start fertilizing.

She adds, there’s no need to worry about watering right now, since we’ve had lots of snow and rain.


However, sometimes it’s good to get a head start on planting flowers or vegetables.

“If you’re starting them from seeds, the packets will tell you which ones are best to do indoors early, and which to plant right into the garden once the frost is out of the ground. Even some of the stuff that’s grown on can definitely be kept in the house until you’re able to put it outside,” she said.

Silva says typically a lot of stuff can’t be planted outside until after the May long weekend because of a risk of frost, and the recent weather may push that back even more.