Taxpayer group promises to ice any plans by the Flames to secure taxpayer dollars for new arena

Even though the idea of a new rink for Calgary’s NHL franchise is only being floated right now, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation vows to battle any attempts to include public dollars.

The Alberta Director of the CTF tells 660News, while the owner of the Oilers managed to get 10’s of millions of dollars out of Edmonton city council for his new rink, there is no appetite for a similar venture here.

Derek Filderbfandt said Calgary doesn’t have the same corporate welfare culture as Edmonton.

Filderbrandt admits the Flames do need a new arena, but that cash should come from the pockets of the team’s owners.

He said fans support the team by buying tickets and overpriced beer, not through their tax dollars.

The CTF thinks there is a role for the City of Calgary can play by providing land or paying for infrastructure associated with the arena, but that’s it.

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