Prince’s Island gets greener this weekend with Folk Fest

More than 50,000 people will make their way to Prince’s Island for this weekend’s Folk Festival, where organizers promise the cultural impact will be maximized while the festival’s environmental impact is minimized.

The downtown green space is even greener when the festival rolls around.

Chris Dunlap is co-manager of the festival’s Eco-Initiatives Program behind sustainability efforts, which include recycling, reusing, and composting everything from food waste to cutlery.


The efforts have significantly decreased the amount of waste going to the landfill.

Last year, the festival boasted an 86 per cent diversion rate.

Dunlap says the remarkable achievement is due to a lot of work by a lot of people.

“I think people want to recycle and compost–they want to help keep the festival green. And the vendors do as well.”

Two hundred volunteers are on the Eco Team doing everything from helping sort waste to recycling plates to manning the massive bike lock up.


The Folk Fest has won a number of environmental awards and is considered the benchmark for other festivals here and abroad.