Dogs are still missing after trailer rolls on QE2 highway; 4 animals now dead

More dogs have died after a crash Saturday along the QE2 where 30 canines were being transported to Edmonton.

The animals were in a horse trailer when it rolled near Olds.

RJ Bailot with the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society says four dogs have been killed and three are missing.


“One is a large male pitbull who is black, who is extremely affectionate” Bailot said, “As well as a white, with a little bit of fawn, pitbull, who is a little bit more shy, but also very sweet. There is a small brown, tan-colored chihuahua who is extremely shy who hasn’t been spotted at all.”

Anyone who sees the dogs around Olds is asked to give them a call.

The phone number for AARCS is 403-837-7442.