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Prentice scraps licence plates and pension bills

Only days into Premier Jim Prentice’s tenure and he is once again reversing decisions made by the Redford government.

The latest is scrubbing a plan to introduce new licence plates.

Prentice said the new plates would cost $15 million to roll out and the money would be better spent elsewhere.

“The priority of the government at this point in time should not be designing licence plates. We have other priorities that are more pressing, that matter to Albertans. We need a government that is focused on meeting the priorities of Albertans’ and that’s what I intend to provide” he said.

Officials also announced two controversial pension reform bills will not be brought back.

The government shelved the legislation this past spring over concerns it would drastically slash retirement payouts for public sector workers.

Prentice said with consultations over the summer, he realized these bills needed to go.


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