World record Quidditch match planned at the UofC

Ten world records across the country, that is the goal from one man as he tries to raise money for Right To Play.

Martin Parnell set up the world’s largest volleyball game at Quest University in Squamish B.C. and next up on the tour is the University of Calgary.

“They have organized an attempt on the biggest game of Quidditch, the Harry Potter game. Obviously this is the one without the flying” he said, “So we’ll be running around the soccer field at the University of Calgary from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Monday. They’re trying to get 150 to 200 players involved in that event”.


Parnell said he got involved with the organization nearly 10 years ago when he took a bike tour across Africa.

The tour moves next to the University of Alberta on Wednesday before moving east to Western University in London, Ontario for September 29th.

Parnell’s ultimate goal is to raise $1 million in five years for Right To Play.

You can donate to the cause by clicking here.