Bike lanes in the NW off track according to resident

The bike lanes are getting in the way, that from a few residents in the northwest who use Bowness Road.

Resident Scott Renton, who noticed trouble when the lanes were recently added to the roadway, is awaiting a reply from letter sent to the mayor’s office hoping to change the city’s direction.

“Did they even do a traffic study on this?” he asked. “They couldn’t have its ridiculous the amount traffic sitting outside of there at rush hour now”.


Renton said he doesn’t have a problem with the idea of bike lanes, just the placing of this one.

He drove the road a few times last week. “Not one bike went by the entire time. I don’t really have a problem with bike lanes. There is a place for them, but definitely not that road”.

He said drivers on the route, which has typically been an easy drive, have been waiting an extra 20 minutes in stop and go traffic since the lanes have been added.