Highways across the province are a mess as winter comes in with a vengeance

The roads around Calgary have been a nightmare for motorists with Calgary police reporting 135 crashes between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m., 14 of which have been injury accidents.

Many callers to 660News have reported slippery conditions on many roads around the city.

Outside of the city, travel is not much better.


Travel along the QEII is not recommended as blowing snow is making it extremely hard to see.

RCMP Constable Darrin Turnbull says there’s still more snow in the forecast which means the roads won’t be getting better any time soon adding that with such poor conditions drivers need to be prepared in case of an emergency.

“Come properly equipped, have some cold weather gear, maybe a candle that you can light for warmth until help arrives.”

He notes that help may not arrive for some time in these conditions and when that help does arrive, give them room to work.

“Pay attention to where you’re driving. If there is emergency services, police, fire, an ambulance of tow truck, remember to the law is you must slow down to 60 kilometres an hour as you are passing those crews.”


Road conditions in the mountains are brutal as RCMP say there is next to no visibility.

There’s also reports of little to no visibility in the Banff Parks area.