MLSE to ban fans in Toronto for yelling #FHRITP; what about Calgary?

MLSE announced Tuesday it’s planning on banning fans who yell #FHRITP to reporters while live on-air, and is providing extra security to female reporters.

It comes after City News reporter Shauna Hunt had enough of the phrase during a live broadcast and called out a man for saying that to her, outside of an FC Toronto game.

He has since lost his job with Hydro One and the incident has trended nationally.


So will Calgary follow suit with Toronto’s “tough-love” stance on those fans who yell an obscene phrase?

660News was sent the following statement from Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation President and CEO Ken King:

“We took a pro-active approach in messaging throughout the playoffs both in the Dome and in the community; and maintained constant communication with the CPS to implement additional procedures in an attempt to eliminate this type of behaviour. We have always had appropriate security in place for fans and media in attendance for all our events. Our policy has always been to eject any individuals conducting themselves in an inappropriate or distasteful manner.”