Green Hero honoured on World Environment Day

During the month of May, Calgarians were asked to nominate a ‘Green Hero’.

Friday, World Environment Day, 660News with help from Breakfast Television and London Drugs gave the title away.

Colleen Lancaster, with London Drugs, stopped by the BTCalgary studio to give Jeff Stransky a medallion and $200.00 gift card.


The medal was made out of recycled computer parts.

Jeff, nominated by his wife for the ‘Green Hero’ award, recycles, cuts the grass with a push mower, rides his bike to work, and even re-purposes old clothing.

“If they’re no longer wearable, yes sure, I’ll cut up old clothes and make rags out of them,” he told Breakfast Television. “It’s a lifestyle, and we’ve got future generations to think about and I’ve got small children and I think, you know what, they’re going to be around a long time and we have to make sure that the planet is in good shape for them.”

Stransky said going green doesn’t have to be a challenge, there are many easy things everyone can do to help maintain the environment, “It can be recycling, it can be taking a coffee cup to Starbucks rather than getting a single-use cup,” he said, “There there are so many easy things; you can make big huge lifestyle changes, but I always look for people to sort of do the easy ones.”

London Drugs is committed to helping people reduce their carbon footprint, find out more at their ‘What’s the Green Deal’ website.