Young Canadians director charged with numerous child sex assaults

Calgary Police have laid several charges against a 52 year old man, after complaints about an inappropriate relationship between someone of authority in the Young Canadians performance group and a teenage performer.

Philip Heerema is charged with three counts of child pornography, two counts of sexual assault, six counts of child luring via computer, and two counts of inciting sexual contact with a youth by a person in authority.

All of the alleged victims were between the ages of 15 and 18 at the time, and the first assault dated back to 1997.

Calgary Police Staff Sergeant Melanie Oncescu with the Child Abuse unit says the first victim that came forward is now an adult.

When police launched an investigation, six more victims, all male, contacted them.

“He was in a position of authority. So whether he be a coach or someone within management within the organization, he was put in a position of trust with the performers,” said Oncescu.

Heerema spent 36 years with the group, but has now resigned from the Young Canadians.

Anyone with information on these incidents is asked to call the Calgary Police Service non-emergency line at 403-266-1234, or Crime Stoppers anonymously using any of the following methods:

TALK: 1-800-222-8477


TEXT: tttTIPS to 274637

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