Suit Up and Ride

A Calgarian close to city hall is asking you to ‘Suit Up and Ride!’

Daorcey Le Bray is hoping to start a new recurring event that will utilize the cycle track and help riders meet new people.

The first ride is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4th, meeting at Municipal Plaza at 5:30 p.m.


Cyclists are encouraged to dress in their Sunday best will then travel a route, using the cycle track to The Beltliner.

Tuesday’s route will ride westbound on Stephen Avenue, south on 5th Street, west on 12th Avenue, north on 11th Street, east on 8th Avenue, south on 5th Street, and east on 12th ending at the corner of 2nd Street and 12th Avenue SW.

Le Bray says the idea for future events would include a new route and new track-adjacent establishment for gathering.