Farmers rally across the province against Bill-6

Nearly 2,000 farmers rallied in front of the Alberta Legislature Monday afternoon, in opposition to the provincial government’s Bill-6.

Producers also held smaller rallies along the QE-2 and in communities around the province.

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Director Matt Sawyer farms near Acme. He says this bill is being rammed through at warp speed with no consultation and it was great to see farmers come together.


“There’s a need for it and it’s nice seeing farmers out there and uniting as one group saying that this can’t be tolerated, we need education and not regulation and that’s exactly how it should be,” he said.

Debate on the bill was supposed to happen Monday evening, but that has been delayed.

A government spokesperson tells 660 NEWS the session was cancelled because it appears MLAs will be sitting again next week.