New ‘busk stops’ announced for street side performers

The City of Calgary is launching a new pilot program for street performers, giving buskers more flexibility and increasing the number of street side performances happening around Calgary.

City Culture Manager Sarah Iley said there are now three types of busking IDs available: the free standard ID giving buskers access to parks and public locations, the $25 transit ID and now the new ID that gives performers access to year-round access to premium high traffic locations for $50.

“You get the opportunity to busk at a ‘busk stop’ in Calgary for the entire year,” she said.


“If you do that in Banff, you get to busk for a week. I think that’s a really important thing, we’re really encouraging our performers to have access to the community.”

The new ‘busk stops’ allow for an amplifier and they can be found in Kensington, on 17th Avenue and at Stephen Avenue Mall.