Alberta overspenders cleaning up act in 2016

Overspending in Canada reached its highest point in five years over the holidays, but a new RBC study shows Albertans are getting their act together in 2016.

The largest expenses were electronics and toys, with young people aged 18 to 34 spending the most in those categories.

“When you think about how expensive Apple — or your new iPhone could be — that makes a lot of sense,” Maria Contreras, RBC’s Senior Manager of Savings, said.


According to the survey, that age group is stepping up to avoid a repeat performance.

Those living here in Alberta are also most likely to be drafting up a budget.

“As well as setting aside savings on a regular basis so that you’re prepared for the holidays next year. So, one of the highest regions in Canada’s planning to look ahead and saving money, well throughout the year,” Contreras said.

The lowest number of overspenders during the holidays was in Ontario.