Calgary therapist responds to sex assault allegations; may be forced out of province

Brad McLellan, the Calgary massage therapist who faces sexual assault charges, has issued a statement in response to the recent claims.

McLellan sent the following statement to 660 News:

“Once more, I want to emphatically state my complete innocence in regards to these false allegations. I have always explained my rehabilitative treatment plans and obtained consent from my patients during all of my approximately 14,000 rehabilitative/sport massage treatments and continually checked in with my patients during the treatment to ensure their comfort. I have always respected my patients’ requests to change the treatment if they were uncomfortable, as rehabilitative massage can be uncomfortable for the patient.


These false allegations have ended my massage therapy career that I worked so hard to build over the last 10 years and have been devastating to my future local employment opportunities, so much so that I am having to look for other employment opportunities outside of the province. I may need to initially leave my family behind while I try to find employment opportunities to help financially provide for my family, as these false allegations have been absolutely financially devastating to our family. These false allegations have caused extreme duress to my extended family, friends, professional colleagues and most importantly to the rest of my patients. I have received countless messages of support from all of these groups that has meant so much to both myself and my family.

My wife has been absolutely supportive throughout this horrific time for our family and we cannot wait to have this issue resolved as quickly as possible. It is very disappointing that we have to wait so long to have our day in court. We have in no way delayed this process as we want to have our chance to prove my innocence as soon as possible so we can try to start rebuilding our lives.”

McLellan’s lawyer, Cory Wilson, said the allegations have been very devastating and have given him lots of negative attention.

“It’s unfortunate, it almost goes back to the old westerns where he’s been run out of the city here because of the press releases and the amount of coverage, he’s unable to secure any kind of employment here in Calgary, and he has to leave so seek employment elsewhere,” Wilson said.

Wilson is also hoping the trial will get started as soon as possible.


“We’ve set it down for the earliest possible preliminary inquiry, but unfortunately it’s a ways away,” he said. “There’s no delays on our end whatsoever here, so we’re trying to get this moving and the process as quickly as possible.”

Further, Wilson is concerned about the long term impact of the charges, especially if McLellan comes out innocent.

“No matter what, no matter when he’s proved innocent here that his name will always be out there, and this will always follow along him.”

It will be some time, however, as the trial will not begin until the end of January 2017, but Wilson wants to hopefully set up a time in late fall.