Earls Restaurant to use Certified Humane Beef; will import from Kansas

It appears many Canadians have a beef with Earls Restaurant.

The Canadian chain has announced it is now only using Certified Humane Beef and will be importing those products from Kansas, instead of Canadian producers.

Earls will however still use Canadian eggs, pork and chicken.


The company has an extensive page on its website about the decision.

“Animals that are raised on Certified Humane® farms are treated with care, respect and dignity. These ranches are continually audited to ensure animals are humanely treated and ethically cared for from birth to pasture to pen,” the company says, adding why it’s moving away from Canadian beef.

“After months of trying, we were unable to source a federally inspected, Certified Humane producer that could consistently meet our large supply needs,” the company said. “We travelled to see the ranches and abattoirs in the US, met with Dr. Temple Grandin…and in this case, Certified Humane was more important to us than origin, so we chose a US supplier for our beef.”

The move drew a ton of reaction on Twitter, including Wildrose Leader Brian Jean.

Canadian Cattlemen’s Association General Manager Rob McNabb feels the same way.


“Basically disappointment that they didn’t discuss or consult with us on what we might be able to offer relative to certification or verification of these type of practices,” he said. “I don’t think that we’re second to anyone in the world as far as the level of care that our producers take in both raising their animals and ensuring a healthy and high quality product.”

McNabb added his organization is currently implementing an animal care and sustainable production documentation program.

“Certainly our door is open for us to present the type of program that we’re developing and I don’t doubt in the future that discussion will take place,” he said.