No property tax increase for 2017

City council has approved what will be a zero per cent property tax increase for 2017.

A motion put forward by Ward Sutherland directs administration to come back this fall with a 1.5 per cent tax hike for next year, off-set by one-time funds in the fiscal sustainability reserve which has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Sutherland says administration has actually done a good job in finding efficiencies.


“They’ve done the zero-based review program which takes a look at efficiencies in departments, and within the five departments that were done in the last two years there was $56-million in savings and recommendations that are going forward,” says Sutherland adding, “we have a lot of departments still to go.”

Sutherland says the move is more than just saving Calgarians a few dollars a month.

It’s symbolic to show constituents they are being heard in these tough economic times.