MRU flight instructor remembered

A memorial service took place at Mount Royal University to honour flight instructor Jeffrey Bird.

Bird died along with fellow instructor Reyn Johnson when their twin engine went down near Cochrane on Monday.

Family, Friends, and students packed into the Bella Concert Hall Sunday afternoon to pay their respects.


Dave Bird says his brother was an incredible person.

“His whole outlook on life he was such a positive guy I think that now that his final chapter has been written I think we owe it to him to live a good life.” Bird said.

First year student of the aviation program Evan Cloutier says although he never got a chance to fly with Jeff he has the pleasure of making his acquaintance.

“I never got the luxury of flying with Jeff, I would have loved to but my first impression of Jeff was basically the first time you met him it felt like he’s been your friend forever.” Cloutier said.

Leon Cygman chair of the aviation program says they are taking extra precautions


“We are making sure that everybody is comfortable before they go back into the plane and go back into the air as you can imagine nerves have been frazzled.”

Second year student Robin Robertson says this tragedy has not waivered his confidence in the program.

“I still have absolute trust and faith in this program and instructors and its equipment.” Robertson said.

Bird became an instructor at Mount Royal University last year after 11 years in the Royal Canadian Air Force.