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Surprise candidate was Doug Schweitzer: MRU Professor says

Mount Royal University Political Science Professor, Lori Williams believes Wednesday’s United Conservative Party debate was well mannered. “Leadership contenders, that were, for the most part very civil,” she said. “They didn’t give a whole lot of ammunition to opposition folks in this.”

Williams went on to say, “I think they all relied on scripts and prepared answers to a certain degree. I think Jason Kenney and Doug Schweitzer were quicker on their feet, [more] adaptable.”

She said it still appears to be a distinct two horse race, between Kenney and Brian Jean. “Do they want somebody who’s going to go [and] fight [and] look like he’s a great champion for Alberta, or do they want somebody who’s sort of nuance balanced, fights when necessary, but negotiates when necessary, as well,” she queried.

As for a debate ‘winner,’ “the surprise candidate-was Doug Schweitzer,” Williams stated clearly. “I think he portrayed to Albertans who he is, what he stands for, his passion for the province, for Albertans and his recognition of some of the liabilities that exist within the party.”

Williams also pointed out it’s too early to tell if Schweitzer, or Jeff Callaway, can catch up to frontrunners Jean and Kenney before the late October vote.

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