Canadian turkey farmers work overtime to meet Thanksgiving needs

Canadian turkey farmers are working overtime this week to get that poultry on your “Thanksgiving” plate this weekend.

Winter’s Farm at their peak this week has seen 25,000 turkeys, some have since been shipped out but that doesn’t mean their work stops.

They still have thousands left over for the American Thanksgiving and Christmas later this year.


Their facility is one of the last independent institutions in the province that still sells their own birds to retailers.

“Our birds are raised outside, they have access to the outdoors, sunshine, water, they got snow on Monday and they’re raised in their natural environment,” Laurel Winter, a fourth generation turkey farmer told 660 NEWS.

In her own experience, Winter says the birds that are grain fed, organic and farm fresh tend to plump up a bit more than some of the more generic birds.

“The turkeys provide for us and we’re very thankful for them and it is a labour of love,” she said.

The Winter family has been farming on land in Dalemead, Alberta since 1958.