Travel: How to survive sharing a space

Summer vacation is often about spending time with family, but are you prepared to share a holiday rental?

Travel writer Jody Robbins says her number one tip is don’t spend too much time together.

“Cabin fever thrives on close quarters,” she said. “You want to take each day for your nuclear family just to be on their own. That way, everyone can have some downtime, your spouse can vent about your relatives and it just sets everybody up to be in a better space when they’re together with everyone.”


You’re also not always going to agree on activities.

“There are some people who just want to sit around the pool all day and others that want to go, go, go. So, you have to be prepared to compromise, especially if you are sharing a vehicle,” said Robbins.

Make sure to be a good house guest and do your share of the chores, and don’t get caught paying the whole bill.

“When both parties’ names are on the contract, it just is more fair. Say the homeowner comes back to you afterwards for something silly. Maybe you didn’t take the garbage out. This way both parties have to deal with it and the responsibility doesn’t just fall on one.”

If you are still deciding where to take your holiday, pick up a copy of Jody’s book 25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit.