Large Earthquakes off B.C. Coast: No Tsunami Warnings, Damage or Injuries

BRITISH COLUMBIA (NEWS 1130) – No tsunami warnings were issued after a flurry of earthquakes off the Vancouver Island coast last night.

The first quake struck at 10:39 p.m PDT, initially reported as a magnitude 6.7 at 10 kilometres deep, centered about 200 kilometres southwest of Port Hardy, a town on the northeast end of Vancouver Island.

Earthquakes Canada has since downgraded the quake to 6.5-magnitude, with no initial reports of tsunami threats, damage or shaking being felt.


The U.S. Geological Survey reports two further earthquakes struck in similar locations in the hour following the original shake, measuring magnitudes 6.8 and 6.5, at similar depth levels. A fourth, smaller earthquake measuring 4.9 hit at 11:36 p.m. PDT in a similar location.

Official agencies reported that there was a possibility the earthquakes could have been felt lightly in parts of Vancouver Island, but that damage was unlikely.

Government Agency BC has acknowledged the multiple earthquakes, but says there is no reports of damage or injury.