Freezing temperatures affect pets safety outdoors

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – The extreme cold Calgary is trapped in is dangerous not only for you but for your hairier family members as well.

Fluffy and Spot are just as susceptible to the harmful effects of shockingly cold weather. Dr. Valerie Madden with Western Vet tells CityNews you have to protect your pooches when temperatures drop this low.

READ MORE: Extreme cold freezes Calgary

“If you’re taking them outside, only taking them out for short periods of time, make sure they’re supervised. And try to do things to mitigate exposure to cold,” Madden said.


She says short-haired dogs should also wear coats to help maintain body temperatures and booties for all your dogs are a good idea as well to prevent frostbite.

A good rule of thumb is if it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet.