Randy Kerr removed as UCP candidate in Calgary riding
Posted Mar 6, 2019 7:36 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
CALGARY (660 NEWS) — The United Conservative Party released a statement Wednesday saying it has removed one of its candidates in Calgary’s northwest ahead of the spring election.
Randy Kerr was slated to run in Calgary Beddington, but according to the party new information has come to light, that suggested he wasn’t forthright about a financial contribution to the Jeff Callaway leadership campaign.
However, the party isn’t “making any allegations against Kerr or Callaway” according to a statement from the party’s executive director, Janice Harrington. The statement also said it’s not the party’s place to pass judgment and instead it’s sending the information along to the election commissioner.
Runner-up Josephine Pon will be running for the UCP in the Calgary Beddington riding in Kerr’s place.
Kerr’s Twitter page has since been deleted.
660 NEWS has reached out to Kerr for comment.