Calgary minor hockey members asking for review of play on boundary changes
Posted May 17, 2019 3:36 pm.
Last Updated May 18, 2019 5:19 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
CALGARY (660 NEWS) – A judge in Calgary has approved an injunction filed against Hockey Calgary.
The injunction puts a halt to Calgary’s governing body for minor hockey from changing boundaries around the city.
Except for Springbank and Trails West, there is a hold in place for registration around the city.
Finally, at June’s upcoming annual general meeting the decision on boundary reviews can be discussed and voted on, but any vote that happens is non-binding. In an exclusive interview with 660 NEWS, Executive Director of Hockey Calgary (HC) Kevin Kobelka said that from the organization’s perspective, it’s upsetting it got to this point.
“We want this to be heard by our members, and we look forward to the AGM where our members can be heard,” Kobelka said.
He said that they are always willing to talk with its members about this matter.
“We have worked through the process all along, it’s been a long process and if we can come to an agreement that would be great.”
The group who filed the petition against Hockey Calgary is willing to sit down and have these conversations as well according to spokesperson Danielle Melnyk.
“We would love to have those conversations, just so far they haven’t happened,” Melnyk said.
After Friday’s court date Melnyk said that as a group they were happy with the judges’ comments and decision.
“He talked about the rules needing to be followed which is exactly what we were hoping for.”
Melnyk said that looking forward to the AGM it is not known if the boundaries will be discussed or not, but if it is discussed the group hopes it will be a productive conversation.
“We hope the associations will take a look and see that this is not about saving one association or the other,” Melnyk said, adding that the issue is making sure that there are policies and procedures moving forward with these types of situations. “I hope that there is positive feedback either way.”
The group filing the lawsuit consists of the Calgary Saints, the North West Warriors (NWW), and Glenlake hockey associations, along with with the Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove, and Eagle Ridge (CKE) Community association.
This follows Hockey Calgary’s announcement in March about the following changes:
– Disbanding the Saints Hockey Association for the upcoming season (2019-2020) with players being relocated to Simons Valley Hockey Association, McKnight Hockey Association, and the Blackfoot Hockey Association.
– Shifting of select communities to new associations effective the 2019-20 playing season.
– Merging the Lake Bonavista Hockey Association (Southside) and Mavericks by the 2021-2022 season
– Merging the Bow River Hockey Association, Crowfoot Hockey Associations and NWW making the three associations two.
The Hockey Calgary AGM is scheduled for June 18, and the next court date is scheduled for June 21.