CPS suit drive a success once again

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – The Calgary Police’s suit drive has been a great success this year.

Generous Calgarians donated thousands of pieces of men’s clothing to help the less fortunate as they look for jobs.

Over 5,000 pieces were donated to Calgary Police this year, surpassing the amount they received last year in the first “Give a suit, Change a life” campaign.


Constable Hal Quaidoo says the campaign began in 2018, after his partner had a discussion with a homeless man.

“He started to discuss work and the livelihood of this individual and he came back with ‘who’s going to give me a job, look at me?’ and that just really went to the heart for Derek,” said Quaidoo.

The suits, shoes, ties, belts and more will be given to the Centre for Newcomers and distributed to homeless Calgarians as well as new residents.

Quaidoo thanks Calgarians for helping out, even as the economy is not very good.