Calgary freeze-thaw cycle creates increase in slips and falls

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – The warm weather is all well and good, but the low nighttime temperatures can make slipping and falling an all-too-often occurrence for Calgarians.

EMS spokesman Stuart Brideaux says that although most Albertans have gotten used to the ever-changing weather the province experiences, that doesn’t mean our feet have adapted to the slippery conditions.

“The chinooks are great and the warmer temperatures are nice but when we see that often, we have a freeze-thaw cycle overnight,” said Brideaux.


“We definitely see an increase in ground-level slips and falls.”

Brideaux says that they are seeing the slips all over the city, especially around downtown Calgary.

“The downtown can also be a particularly dangerous area because of the amount of pedestrian traffic and some of the shade around the buildings decreases melting, although they do quite an excellent job of clearing and salting sidewalks in the core.”

He says pedestrians travelling through downtown sometimes do not prepare the proper footwear to avoid a slippery mistake.

High heels, flats and other improper footwear are not the best choices when heading out onto the slick pavement.


“It’s a question of safety over convenience and what’s going to work for you,” said Brideaux.

The first step to avoid an unexpected fall is to prepare for whatever conditions you might find yourself in.

Of course, with the weather the way it is in Calgary, that is not always possible.

In those cases, there are ways to try and be safe.

“Lowering your center of gravity, that’s a big one. Taking smaller, flat-footed steps is the safest thing to do,” said Brideaux.


“Pay attention to your walking. You’re not on your phone, you’re not scrolling or texting on your phone, you’re paying attention to where you’re headed.”