CPS issue two COVID-19 related tickets for failing to comply with health guidelines

Posted Apr 8, 2020 5:58 pm.
Last Updated Apr 9, 2020 10:18 am.
CALGARY (660 NEWS) – Charges have been laid against two individuals who were caught not following strict public health orders brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of these tickets was handed to Artur Pawlowski who operates a group called Street Church, an organization that regularly meets outside of Calgary City Hall. He was given the fine for holding a gathering of more than 15 people even after police gave him a warning.
“He had been warned prior to and a summons was given to him for a gathering he was holding last week,” Steve Barlow, Calgary Police Service Superintendent, said on Wednesday.
Pawlowski is known to police, and public complaints about the group not following COVID-19 safety measures were made in the past.
Back on March 24, pictures on Street Church’s social media paged showed a large group shoulder to shoulder waiting to get free food. This event was held only a couple of days after health officials told the public they needed to be two-metres apart and couldn’t be in gatherings of more than 50 people.
WATCH: Street Church not following COVID-19 measures

When asked about not following the rules then, Pawlowski claimed they had received the greenlight from the office of the premier. However, a statement from the Alberta government said organizations that serve the homeless were still required to follow mitigation strategies.
A second ticket was handed to a 38-year-old woman who tested positive for COVID-19 and refused to self-isolate.
“Every situation is assessed by our officers. We will still work towards voluntary compliance, but we do run into situations where people are not complying and that’s where we may consider given the summons,” Barlow said.
These are the only tickets that have been given out since the province gave more power to authorities back in March.