Province announces cash payments for flood evacuees

One person has died, and more than 1,200 buildings are under water, but officials say the Fort McMurray flood is trending in the right direction. Courtney Theriault has the latest.


CALGARY (660 NEWS) – Those having to evacuate due to the flooding in the Fort McMurray, Fort Vermilion and Tallcree First Nation areas are being given cash payments courtesy of the Alberta government.

Premier Jason Kenney announced that emergency evacuation cash payments of $1,250 will be given to adults and $500 will be given to minors under the age of 18.

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“Our hearts go out to all of those whose homes or businesses have been affected by these floods.”

He said this will add up to a one-week installment of $11.7 million, and applications can be submitted through MyAlberta starting Monday.

Around 13,000 people from the Fort McMurray area have been evacuated, along with around 450 from Fort Vermilion and Tallcree.

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Evacuees set up in local hotels are having their room costs covered by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Kenney said the province will work to share the costs.

Regarding the flood itself, Kenney said the conditions are improving and that levels at the ice jam have dropped half a metre last night.

Tailing ponds remain at stable levels, and situations would need to morph significantly for that to change.

Kenney said that this will most likely qualify for the Alberta Disaster Recovery Program.

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