Total COVID-19 deaths in Alberta pass 100

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – The total number of deaths caused by the COVID-19 virus in Alberta has officially crossed the 100 mark.

In her daily COVID-19 update, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw confirmed 70 new cases and nine additional deaths due to the virus.

That brings the total number of cases to 5,836 and the total number of deaths to 104.


“Reaching more than 100 deaths is a sombre milestone,” said Hinshaw.

Four of the nine deaths were confirmed to be within the last 24 hours, with the other five in the previous days or weeks.

Of the total cases, 2,942 have recovered.

There are also 621 cases confirmed within continuing care facilities within the province.

Hinshaw addressed the outbreaks at the Cargill meat packing plant near High River and the JBS plant in Brooks.

Of the 936 cases at Cargill, 810 have recovered.


A total of 998 cases were confirmed in the City of Brooks, 469 of which were among those in the JBS plant.

Hinshaw said the spread of the cases confirms the complexity of the outbreak.

She stressed that stigmatizing workers at either outbreak does not help anyone and they should not be blamed or shamed for the spread of the virus.

“We should be supporting people who are in this situation, not stigmatizing them.”

Hinshaw then addressed an outbreak at a Purolator facility in Calgary where 30 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed.


Outbreak precautions are being observed in the facility and AHS is working hard to test all employees.

A total of 164,722 tests have been conducted in the province, with 3,774 in the last 24 hours.

Hinshaw said they are now once again expanding testing.

Those experiencing new symptoms such as nausea, a loss of taste or smell, pinkeye, and more are now able to be tested.

Health Minister Tyler Shandro also announced during the update that non-emergency surgeries that were originally cancelled to free up space and health care personnel will now be able to take place again.

Patients at greater risk if they do not undergo surgery will be first.


In addition, independent allied health professionals, such as chiropractors, psychologists and physical therapists, will now be able to re-open if they so chose.

Shandro said they will continue to monitor the situation and, if necessary, take steps back.

“The safety of patients, the safety of health care providers, and the safety of Albertans remains our highest priority.”