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‘About 800 new cases’; Dr. Deena Hinshaw provides vague COVID-19 update

Contact tracers will only be notifying close contacts of cases in three priority groups.

CALGARY (660 NEWS) — On a day when another COVID-19 update was pushed due to technical difficulties, Alberta’s top doctor had a vague update to provide the province.

Dr. Hinshaw says while she doesn’t have the exact number, there are about 800 new cases of COVID-19 in Alberta.

On top of that, nine hospitals across the province now have confirmed outbreaks of the virus.

RELATED: 515 new cases, 5 additional deaths from COVID-19 in Alberta

Due to internal discrepancies, Dr. Hinshaw was unable to provide detailed case numbers but assured there would be exact numbers provided on Friday.

Regardless, the numbers pose a major threat to the province as Thursday’s report adds on to a dangerous upward trend of cases in recent days and weeks.

“In about seven to ten days from now our hospital numbers will rise further,” Dr. Hinsahw said. “This means care for Albertans with other issues, will be impacted.”

Dr. Hinshaw raised concerns with the number of people who continue to go to work, even after experiencing symptoms.

“In Edmonton, nine per cent of cases worked while they had active symptoms,” Dr. Hinshaw said. “A further eight per cent visited retail or service businesses, and eight per cent attended a social gathering.”

And Calgary isn’t innocent either.

“Eleven per cent worked while symptomatic, and nine per cent traveled. Seven per cent attended a social gathering.”

Dr. Hinshaw says with current numbers, that means about 500 people in the province failed to stay home while symptomatic.

Another concern is not knowing where cases came from.

“In some cases, this is just because the public health investigation has not yet been completed, but in others, there is truly no known source.”

With the surge in cases, Dr. Hinshaw says it’s become increasingly difficult for Alberta Health Services (AHS) members to contact every person who may have been in contact with someone who contracted the virus.

READ MORE: The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020

Beginning Thursday, AHS will only be in contact with high-risk individuals who may have been exposed. For those not considered high risk, it will be up to the individual infected to contact anyone they think may have been exposed.

Everyone who tests positive for the virus will still be contacted.

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