Kenney doubles down on pulled funding from consumption site in Lethbridge

Lethbridge (660 NEWS) – Alberta’s premier says the province won’t be changing their minds and funding a supervised consumption site in Lethbridge after a police investigation.

The province stopped funding the ARCHES Site this summer over financial irregularities, including $1.6 million that was unaccounted for.

Police say they found records that accounted for that funding and no criminal charges will be laid.


“The threshold for what we spend tax dollars on is a lot different than the threshold of a potential successful criminal conviction,” said Kenney.

A government audit did find $13,000 spent on parties and staff retreats, while thousands more was spent on travel.

Kenney says even if criminal charges aren’t warranted, the site doesn’t deserve taxpayers’ dollars.

“We have a responsibility to ensure the highest possible level of probity in the way that tax dollars are spent. So, no, we have no intention. We think the management lost to public confidence and certainly the confidence of government in the way it managed.”