Fan cutouts to fill seats in Calgary curling hub

CALGARY (660 NEWS) — Fans aren’t allowed because of pandemic restrictions, but there’s still a way for you to be in the Calgary curling bubble.

Curling Canada is getting into the trend of placing cardboard cutouts in the stands to simulate a crowd, and you could be among the faces.


Brodie Bazinet explains they are offering people the chance to send in their photos and have them turned into life-size, shoulders-up, likenesses.

The response has been great, so far.

“Everything from(you know) family members of our curlers to the avid curling fans, to pets,” says Bazinet

You might even be rubbing shoulders with some famous Calgarians because cutouts of athletes and others will be sprinkled throughout the crowd.

Bazinet knows who she’d like to be placed next to.


“My younger brother played for the Calgary Stampeders for several years, and so I think if I were going to pick, I would probably want to be beside Henry Burris or John Hufnagel.”

You can even get your cutout sent home to you after all the events wrap up at Winsport’s Canada Olympic Park later this year.

The proceeds from the sales of the cardboard images will support junior curling programs across the country.