Albertans more likely to travel during spring break

EDMONTON (CityNews) – Albertans are more than twice as likely to travel outside their province than most Canadians according to polling firm Leger.

“Interestingly, we see about 19 per cent of people in Alberta are telling us that they’re going to travel,” said Ian Large Executive Vice-President of Western Canada Leger.

“I think Albertans are more likely to want to travel rubber tire. So, that would take them to the mountains. If you’re in Calgary that’s only 45 minutes.


“It’s an easy drive and people are probably less likely to get on airplanes than in their cars. I think it’s the proximity to the mountains and the opportunity to get some fresh air,” he added.

Each province recommends residents don’t drive over provincial borders however, no one is stopping cars and turning them around.

In Alberta, the B.C. interior is a typical go-to vacation spot.

CityNews reached out to several tourism offices around British Columbia, asking what they’re expecting to see during spring break. All offices declined an interview, however Tourism Kelowna issued a statement saying:

“Tourism Kelowna has paused our paid marketing and promotional activities outside of our region and we will focus on helping people safely explore Kelowna locally. For those who are travelling, they are asked to adhere to local guidelines, restrictions, and orders and respect business measures that are in place.”


The Leger poll says the other provinces are in the six per cent to eight per cent range, with Quebec being the least at six per cent willing or planning to travel over spring break.

This week, Quebec students are on their spring break. While they suffer under lockdown and curfew.