New record for summertime power consumption expected: AESO

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) says it expects the province will set a new record for summertime power consumption during this week’s heatwave.

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“We set an all-time similar peak last year of 11,532 megawatts and we are very likely going to meet and possibly exceed that. And even if we do, we will still be able to meet electrical demand with domestic supplies,” said Leif Sollid with AESO.


But Sollid doesn’t anticipate any issues.

READ MORE: Demand for A/C units up as Calgary faces blistering heatwave

“Things are looking really good. We are very well supplied to meet increased electrical demand in the coming week with the high heat. We do recognize this extreme heat will place additional stress on the system but right now things are looking really good.”

He adds the extreme heat will put extra stress on the system, and some ideas to conserve power include minimizing the use of fans or air conditions, washing laundry in cold water and run major appliances outside the hours of four and seven p.m.