Heatwave making for uncomfortable sleeping situation in Alberta

Are the kids struggling to sleep during the heatwave in Calgary? Doctors warn, not sleeping well can be dangerous. Henna Saeed talks to Mohsin Khan about the sleep struggle and asks Michael Kuss and Dr. Charles Samuels for some quick sleeping hacks.

CALGARY – Are you struggling to sleep during the heatwave? Are the kids disturbed all night?

With the current temperatures in Alberta, it’s no surprise that even falling asleep can be hard. While some are using air conditioners, others have to make do with a fan, but doctors warn, not sleeping well at night, is not something to be taken lightly.

“Using fans is fine, physically you feel better, it cools you off but the downside is that it will dehydrate you. And people don’t actually realize that, especially in Alberta,” said Dr. Charles Samuels, medical director for Calgary’s Centre For Sleep and Human Performance. “Even without heat, we have a very dehydrating environment, because it’s dry. With this heat, it’s accelerated beyond imagination. Core body cooling is the key and you achieve that by consuming fluids and keeping your dehydration level status up.”

Activities during the day may not be enough to tire kids out enough to sleep through the heat, and even changing the sleeping spot to the basement, won’t work for everyone.

“Even in the basement, sometimes, it gets uncomfortable,” said petroleum engineer Moshin Khan. “Kids get up and then you have to cool them down, give them a sip of water or even wet their heads for a little bit and then put them back to sleep, that has been very challenging and we are hoping this heatwave will pass so we can go back to our rooms and sleep in a normal way.”



But for those who do not have access to air conditioners, or who find fans are just not doing the job, they are seeking advice on social media.

Meteorologist Michael Kuss has some hacks that could help.

“Start by having a cold bath or cold shower right before bed, and then if you have an ice pack, you might want to put that on your pillow or in your pillow, one that doesn’t get wet and is totally sealed,” said Kuss.

And, if you do happen to just have a fan, there is one thing that can keep your body from getting dehydrated.

“Take your fan, hopefully you have a large one, get a wet towel and soak it, place it in front of the fan, that’s going to evaporate the water, and that evaporative cooling is going to bring down the temperature in your room.”

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