Albertans 18+ now allowed to book in for booster shot

As the situation around COVID-19 begins to, once again, head in the wrong direction, the province is making changes to booster shot eligibility to make sure everyone is covered.

Beginning Tuesday, any Albertan 18 and older who received their second dose at least five months ago will be allowed to book in for their third dose.

This all comes as the new Omicron variant has officially made a home in Alberta and cases of that variant become more and more common.

“There is still a lot that we don’t know about Omicron. But one thing we do know is that the most powerful protection from this highly contagious variant is to get a booster shot. I urge all Albertans to step up and protect themselves and the health-care system with a booster as soon as they can,” said Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.

Kenney, along with Health Minister Jason Copping, will join Dr. Deena Hinshaw for Tuesday’s live COVID-19 update.

On Monday, the province reported 872 of the nearly 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend were the Omicron variant.


Alberta reports nearly 900 new Omicron cases, active infections jump by more than 1,200

Not only are cases of Omicron surging, but active infections in the province jumped at a concerning rate.

In the span of three days, the province saw more than 1,200 cases added to the active case count. This comes after weeks of declining case numbers.

Despite case numbers continuing to rise, severe outcomes of the virus held rather steady through the weekend. There are currently 324 people in hospital, 69 of which are in the ICU.

Tuesday’s live COVID-19 update is set to begin at 3:30 p.m. and will be carried live on this website.

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