University of Calgary to start winter semester online

Students at the University of Calgary will switch to online learning in the New Year.

U of C made the decision alongside the University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge as cases of the Omicron variant continue to rise in the province.

“Starting the semester online will allow our communities the time we need to assess the new variant’s potential impact, particularly after the holiday season,” said Ed McCauley, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calgary.

“By reducing the number of people on our campuses, we can allow the research and learning activities that must be in person to continue while also doing all that we can to help support the health-care system.”

On Sunday, U of C announced it was cancelling in-person exams and moving block week online.


Students will be contacted by a department of facility office to explain how their course will be accessed during the temporary shift to online learning.

In-person classes are expected to resume on Jan. 31.

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