Extra safety measures taken at Sheldon Chumir as workers ‘harassed’ by protesters: AUPE

Extra security measures are being put in place at one Calgary health centre after workers were allegedly harassed by protesters.

The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) says front-line healthcare workers, patients and people living around the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre have dealt with protests for weeks, but things got worse when the “truck convoy hit the news.”

“Protesters have blocked the ambulance bay, they have harassed workers and patients as they come to and from the centre, they’ve banged on the windows of the facility to upset people inside and they have blocked roads around the centre. One worker had to sit in her car for an hour after finishing her shift because of the traffic congestion,” says Bobby-Joe Borodey, the vice-president of AUPE.

Borodey says with a larger protest planned for this weekend, action needed to be taken.

Extra staff will now be on hand from Alberta Health Services’ protective services to help walk members to and from their cars.

“Our members may be scared, but they are also determined and they are dedicated to caring for Albertans in need. They will not let ignorant bullies stop them from doing their jobs.”

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