Alberta premier meets U.S. Jason Kenney while on trip south

By Todd Kaufman

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has met the man many on Twitter have confused him with since his election: Jason Kenney.

The premier took to social media Monday night to show the meeting between the Jason Kenneys took place — and no, we’re not talking alternate universes here.

Alberta’s Kenney was clear to point out the difference between the two.

The man on the right is himself — @jkenney on Twitter — while the other, on the left, is @jasonkenney, the Virginia man who “has been taking a lot of my heat” on social media, the premier wrote.

The U.S. Kenney is often the bearer of tweets aimed at his alter ego, most of which he seems to just take in stride.

“Um, excuse me, I worked at Borders and was Babar at local elementary schools thank you very much,” the Virginia man said in response to a tweet clearly meant for the premier but that got the Twitter handles wrong.

There are several examples of tweets poking fun by the U.S. Kenney floating around the internet.

Premier Kenney is in the midst of a trip to Washington, D.C. where he’s speaking to a Senate committee about North American energy.

The pair met at the Canadian embassy, according to the Alberta leader.

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