Alberta raises awareness on accessibility, inclusion during National AccessAbility Week

This week is National AccessAbility Week, which runs from May 29 to June 4 .


Minister of Community and Social Services Jason Luan says more than 21 per cent of Albertans aged 15 and older are living with a disability affecting their independence or quality of life.

The goal of this week is to raise awareness about the critical need for accessibility and inclusion in communities and workplaces.

“We all share the benefits of a society and economy that welcomes diversity, inclusion, and acceptance of all people. When people with disabilities can participate in all aspects of society – including accessing employment, recreation, resources, and services – it makes our province a better place to live and work,” said Luan.


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Luan says there are many challenges people with disabilities face on a daily basis and everyone must work together to remove barriers that hold people back from accessing day-to-day places and services.