Calgary gun violence rising

Posted Aug 24, 2022 11:03 am.
Calgary is quickly approaching 100 recorded shootings so far this year, well over the 54 shootings that were reported around this time in 2021.
Calgary police say that 25 per cent of the shootings in the city are related to organized crime, the rest, while mostly targeted attacks, are often linked to domestic violence or personal arguments.
Mount Royal University criminologist Doug King says there are steps that can be taken to reduce the growing problem of gun violence in Calgary.
“Get into those communities, become [an integral part]. Don’t drive through it, but become part of it — because that will help build intelligence networks,” King said.
However, King says it’s not just about getting to know the community. He adds the importation of illegal firearms has increased the number of shootings across the country, and Calgary is no exception.
King says the newly introduced federal legislation temporarily preventing the importation of handguns isn’t the key to solving gun violence.
“Criminals don’t register their firearms, so the federal firearms ban will have almost no impact on the criminal use of firearms in Canada,” King said.
Calgary police echo King’s sentiment, saying they, historically, haven’t seen an impact on gun violence when gun control legislation is introduced.
“This type of pace for shootings is concerning to us,” Calgary Police Deputy Chief Chad Tawfik said.
“As far as whatever legislation that might come into play around registration and such, we’re not typically seeing those legally obtained ones being used in the commission of some of these offences.”
Police charged several offenders with more than 100 gun-related crimes last week.
King says funding police and intelligence services will stop criminals from accessing firearms, and therefore reduce gun violence.
“More money for Canada Border Services (Agency) to interdict guns that come across the border. Money for more intelligence officers for Canada Border Services (Agency) that will allow them to work more closely with the United States,” King explained.
He adds criminals solve their disputes with what is accessible, and the recent increase in Calgary shootings suggests that there is an increase in firearms being trafficked into the city.
Calgary police say they’ve seized more than 300 guns in their investigations over the past year.