Calgary drivers reminded to slow down as students head back to school

Summer holidays are ending for most Calgary students and the AMA is reminding motorists to be careful as students go back to school. Danina Falkenberg reports.

By Danina Falkenberg

Most students across Calgary head back to school Thursday, and that means more kids — and cars — out on the roads.

Eva Friedley, school safety patrol coordinator at the Alberta Motor Association (AMA), is reminding motorists to slow down on their commutes to avoid crashes.

“Just take those few extra moments to make sure that everyone has a good first day of school, and that everyone makes it home safe at the end of the day,” Friedley said. “Make sure you are slowing down around school zones, being really aware of what’s going around you. Just being present and knowing what’s happening.”


Friedley adds pedestrians share the responsibility of road safety, too. She says students can use the “point, pause, proceed,” method to cross streets safely.

“You point your arm, you pause, double check, look in all directions for traffic, and when it’s safe to do so, you proceed across the street, still looking for traffic,” Friedley said.

Speed limits of 30 kilometres per hour are in effect from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day — including weekends — in playground zones, which are often near schools across the city.

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