Calgary terrorism suspect allegedly posted TikTok in support of ISIS/Al Qaeda

A Calgary man facing terrorism charges posted a TikTok that “knowingly facilitated a terrorist activity,” according to court documents obtained by CityNews.

It states the activity directly or indirectly contributed to Al Qaeda and/or ISIS “for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a terrorist group to facilitate or to carry out a terrorist activity.”

RCMP Federal Policing Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET), along with Calgary police, arrested 20-year-old Zakarya Rida Hussein on Thursday.

The alleged offences took place on May 14, the accused’s 20th birthday.

Read More: Calgary man faces terrorism charges: RCMP

However, it is unclear what the terrorist activity was.

Court documents also show that between June 1 and June 15, the suspect allegedly possessed and prepared explosive-making instructions that would have knowingly facilitated or contributed to terrorist activity.

He currently remains in custody.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.

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