Calgary dog owner says pet was killed by other dogs while on walk

Bylaw officers say an investigation is underway after two Pitbull-type dogs ran from a parked truck and launched a brief but deadly attack on a beagle out for a walk with her owner in Calgary’s Discovery Ridge.

Angela Kuphos was walking her 12-year-old dog Nelle near her home in the southwest on Friday afternoon when two large dogs in a parked pickup truck ran out through open doors, straight for her.

Minutes later, her dog was dead.


“It happened so fast she did not know how to react,” said Angela’s son Mike Kuphos. “[The owner] came out and tried to stop the dogs and they just kept attacking Nelle for another five minutes. But she was killed instantly, so they were hyper-aggressive dogs.”

He says the man with the dogs panicked, before reversing his truck and taking off with the dogs.

“The guy was just there on the phone panicking the whole time. His behaviour — I mean, how can you take those dogs out again after they just killed my dog?” he said to CityNews.”I’m just glad they didn’t attack my mom.

“If my brother was there, he would have probably tried to grab Nelle and try to defend her — who knows what they could’ve done. What if it was a little kid?”

Kuphos says they called police and have yet to hear if the dogs have been found.


CityNews spoke with Calgary police who confirmed bylaws has taken the lead on the investigation.

An official with the city says more details will be available as early as this week as the situation unfolds.

It is still unknown if the dogs have been found.