Health Canada recalls more caffeinated energy drinks

Posted Jan 10, 2024 5:51 pm.
Last Updated Jan 10, 2024 7:20 pm.
Health Canada announced the recall of two additional caffeinated energy drinks, adding to a growing list of similar beverages deemed unsafe.
The brands “Bucked Up” and “Noo Fuzion” were the latest caffeinated energy drinks to be included in the nationwide recall due to “various non-compliances related to caffeine content and labelling requirements.”
This follows a more extensive recall from Dec. 22, 2023, that saw various energy drink brands, including “ABE,” “Bleach T4-F,” “JoJo’s,” “Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders,” “Juvee,” “One Piece,” “Operation Phoenix,” and “Up Time,” mentioned.
Popular brands such as 5 Hour, AriZona, Monster, Prime and Red Bull were previously recalled for similar issues dating back to July 12, 2023.
In Canada, energy drinks must not contain over 180 mg of caffeine in a single serving. Products also require information on the safe number of daily servings and cautionary statements to protect children.
“These recalls are part of an ongoing investigation,” Health Canada writes. “The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) makes decisions about recalls based on its own investigation and health risk assessments provided by Health Canada.”
Anyone currently possessing the products is warned not to consume, use, sell, serve or distribute recalled items.
“The majority of the recalled products were neither manufactured nor intended for sale in Canada and have been imported by third parties and sold in stores,” Health Canada adds. “Consumers may have also purchased the products online.”